
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

do you dry shampoo?

to any dudes who read this blog (hi dad), i will not be offended if you are completely uninterested in this post.
tell me your thoughts on dry shampoo.

but before you tell me, let me take you into the bathroom with me.  not literally, you fools.  in the past, my routine has gone something like this: get up (5:03), let the dog out, get in the shower (hair: shampoo and condition; face: cleanse; bod: scrub nooks and crannies), moisturize, apply hair product (heat protector followed by argan oil), blow dry roots, apply more oil to the ends, let hair dry, apply makeup (concealer, powder, bronzer or blush, eyeliner, mascara), get dressed.

ugh, typing all of that was exhausting.  so you can imagine how exhausting the actual process is (even though i think my routine is relatively low maintenance compared to others. i'm looking at you, gaga...)

anywho.  over spring break, emily and dawn convinced me that life exists beyond daily shampooing.  perhaps i always equated not washing your hair with not showering.  i just couldn't wrap my head around not showering daily because i am a regular stink factory if i go longer than 24 hours without a good dousing of H20.  silly old me.  apparently there's this really novel invention that you put on your head when you're in the shower so your hair doesn't get wet. 

go figure.  people still use shower caps.  and now so do i.  i wash my bod and pop out of the shower in a fraction of the time with perfectly dry hair.  i know this is the lamest thing in the world to be excited about, but i am really pumped.

unfortunately, my hair gets super greasy at the roots.  that's where dry shampoo comes in.  i've been using serge normant meta revive dry shampoo courtesy of birchbox.

so far i've experienced pretty good results; however, it's the only one i've ever tried.  at $25.00 a pop, i don't think i'll make it my go-to dry shampoo.  i ordered a few other versions from amazon yesterday and i'm eager to give them a try.  this one and this one.  

right now i'm on day 4 hair (last washed on sunday).  so far so good.  i don't smell.  in fact, i think my hair smells better than normal because of the yummy smell of the dry shampoo.  but i can't say that i love the way my hair feels.  it feels sort of chalky, which i guess isn't a horrible thing, but it's taking a little while to get used to.  

have you used dry shampoo before.  do you have any hair tips/tricks?  i'd love to hear them.

now if they'd only invent a dry body wash and a dry face wash so i'd never have to shower again...


  1. I wash my hair 1-2 times a week, but I always get it wet in the shower. You can rinse out a lot of the oil in your hair without shampoo, too. You just sort of scrub your hair the way you would with shampoo under the water.

  2. WHAT? I am very interested in this. My thing is that my Dutch hair is so super fine, the grease shows super fast. If I skip a shampoo, I can get away with pulling it back for a day. But I have been hearing about the dry shampoo lately, too. Maybe I'll give is a try and let you know! Thanks!

  3. good news, becky! dry shampoo is an awesome volumizer (if that is a thing). you can use it on washed hair, too if you want a little oomph. excited for you to give it a try!

  4. Hi Sarah! Check out Oscar Blandi dry shampoo in powder form, not the spray. And Ouidad's Salon Series Exfoliating Hair and Scalp Treatment. Both are great for a quick clean without shampooing and conditioning. Try Sephora or Ulta...they should have both and maybe ask for samples :) if you need mote recommendations Alterna hair care is awesome!! ....yup, still working in makeup/hair/skin and know too much vain info.... Good luck!

  5. shelbs. there's a reason we're friends. and that reason is your vast knowledge of beauty tips. plus other reasons.

  6. Funny you posted this, I just picked up the new Garnier Fructis one this week. It is really fruity smelling and doesn't seem to leave a film. I have used the Suave in the past, I prefer the smell but it can leave your hair white if you spray too much or too close by accident. I use mine between showers for oil control mainly. I don't wash my hair every day, I like how it looks day 2 and 3 after a shampoo.
